Occlusion Detection in Front Projection Environments based on Camera-Projector Calibration


Front projection technology is increasingly being used to create large displays for data visualization, immersive environments and augmented reality. Recently, there has also been growing interest in the development of novel camera-projector systems to create intelligent and interactive ubiquitous displays. Front projection displays, however, suffer from occlusions, resulting in distracting shadows being cast onto the display and loss of information in occluded regions. Distracting light is also projected onto the occluding object (typically the user).

The goal of this research is to develop a camera-projector system for occlusion detection in front projection environments. The implemented occlusion detection technique is based on offline, camera-projector geometric and color calibration, which then enable online, dynamic camera view synthesis of arbitrary projected scenes. Occluded display regions are detected through pixel-wise differencing between predicted and captured camera images.

Such a system can be used to enable dynamic shadow removal through Active Virtual Rear Projection (AVRP), which involves detecting and compensating for shadows by filling them in with redundant overlapping projectors. As well, by determining which projector is occluded, it is possible to avoid projecting distracting light on the user. Alternatively, rather that suppressing light, an occluding object itself could potentially be augmented by customizing the projected imagery in the corresponding display region. Calibration-based occlusion detection can also be used to facilitate automatic user sensing in interactive display applications.

The implemented camera-projector system is demonstrated for one such application, namely dynamic shadow detection and removal using a dually overlapped projector display.

Related Work

The problem of occlusion detection in front projection environments has been addressed in the context of various applications, including shadow removal, occluder light suppression, as well as hand detection and tracking for gesture recognition. Current occlusion detection techniques can be divided into two groups, namely direct and indirect occlusion detection. The former approach locates the occluding object directly in the scene, while the latter detects an occlusion indirectly by locating its more easily discernible shadow. More on related work can be found here.

Current Results

The implemented occlusion detection algorithm consists of offline camera-projector calibration, followed by online occlusion detection that occurs for each camera frame.

Step 1: Offline Camera-Projector Calibration

Offline calibration is performed in two steps, namely
geometric and color calibration, to compute the image warping homography transform and color transfer function, respectively, between each camera-projector pair. The use of a planar white Lambertian display surface is assumed.

a) Geometric Calibration

Offline geometric calibration is performed for two reasons. For display configuration during initial system setup, corrective projector prewarps must be computed and applied to align multiple overlapping projectors and optionally also eliminate keystone distortion. During the online occlusion detection process, camera-projector image warps are required for camera view synthesis and, in the case of shadow removal, for mapping occlusion regions detected in camera space to corresponding projector pixels.

For each camera-projector pair, the 3x3 projector-to-camera image warping homography Hpc is estimated:

Projector-to-camera image warping homography Hpc

Projector image warping homographies required for multi-projector alignment and keystone correction are also derived (see Daniel Sud's research for more details on multi-projector display systems).

b) Color Calibration

Offline color calibration is performed to enable projector-to-camera color correction of the synthesized camera image when predicting the camera view of a projected display. However, we only recover a rough estimate of the complex nonlinear color transfer function between each camera-projector pair. We assume that this simplification suffices for our occlusion detection tasks.

For each camera-projector pair, a 3x4 projector-to-camera linear color transfer matrix Mpc is estimated, which also accounts for the black offset of the projectors:

Projector-to-camera color correspondences

Step 2: Online Occlusion Detection

During online occlusion detection, camera view synthesis is performed to predict the appearance of the projected display as it would appear, unoccluded, from the perpective of the monitoring camera. Pixel-wise comparison is then performed between corresponding predicted and captured camera images to locate significant color inconsistencies, which correspond to occluded display regions. Depending on camera-projector placement, these regions may represent shadow artifacts on the display or the occluding object itself:

Online occlusion detection process for a single projector display

Shadow Removal Application

The performance of the implemented occlusion detection system is demonstrated when integrated with a dual projector AVRP display. Work on the shadow removal system was done in collaboration with
Daniel Sud. An exclusive-OR shadow removal method was adopted. Each display pixel is illuminated by one projector only at any given time. Assuming an unobstructed camera view, shadows are detected and eliminated by filling in corresponding display regions with the unoccluded projector.

Experimental results are provided in the figure below, which depicts the details of the shadow removal process for one camera frame. As shown, the second projector compensates for the shadow that resulted from occluding the first one. We note that although the second projector is operating at full intensity in the corresponding region, its display is dimmer than that of the first. During occlusion detection, these intensity differences are accounted for by per projector color calibration, allowing for the synthesis of a more accurate color corrected camera image at frame i+1. In the future, true color seamlessness between the two projectors can be achieved by performing inter-projector color calibration.

Shadow removal process for camera frame i.

Shadow detection and removal results over a sequence of frames are also illustrated below, where the entire display is illuminated initially only by the first projector. Subsequent occlusions are detected and the second projector is instructed to fill in shadows selectively as they occur (Frames i to i+6). In Frames i+6 and onward, it is the second projector that is being occluded and shadowed display pixels are re-assigned to the first projector.

Shadow removal results for a sequence of captured camera frames.

Two simple improvements to the occlusion detection algorithm were also implemented, including a variable thresholding technique to improve detection in darker display regions, as well as morphological image smoothing (erosion-dilation) for reducing noise in the occlusion map.

Future Work

We are currently working on intensity blending at shadow edges between the two projectors (using a simple ramp function) in order to reduce the visibility of noise and gaps after shadows have been filled in.


Hilario, M.N. (2005) Occlusion Detection in Front Projection Environments Based on Camera-Projector Calibration, Master's thesis, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, McGill University.

Hilario, M.N. and Cooperstock, J.R. (2004) Occlusion Detection for Front-Projected Interactive Displays. Pervasive Computing, Vienna, April 21-23 (appears in Advances in Pervasive Computing, Austrian Computer Society (OCG), ISBN 3-85403-176-9).

Last update: 22 June 2005