HFX Studio

An image of HFX Studio to aid in identification.

Tool Summary

General Purpose Information
Year of First Releaseⓘ 2018
Platformⓘ Unity
Availabilityⓘ Unavailable
Licenseⓘ Unknown
Hardware Control Information
Haptic Categoryⓘ Force Feedback, Vibrotactile, Temperature
Hardware Abstractionⓘ Consumer (Thalmic Myo, Subpack M2, Oculus VR Controller, Dyson Pure Cool Link)
Interaction and Interface Information
Driving Featureⓘ Time, Action
Effect Localizationⓘ Target-centric
Media Supportⓘ Audio, Visual
Iterative Playbackⓘ Yes
Design Approachesⓘ DPC, Process, Sequencing, Library
Interaction Metaphorsⓘ Track, Demonstration

Additional Information

HFX studio allows for authoring haptic effects directly on the body or attaching them to objects in a VR environment. Perceptual models are used to encode and render the desired effects to the extent supported by the connected hardware. This intermediate perceptual layer is intended to separate the design of haptic effects from the devices used to display them.

For more information, consult the VRST’18 paper.