An image of HITPROTO to aid in identification.

Tool Summary

General Purpose Information
Year of First Releaseⓘ 2010
Platformⓘ Unknown
Availabilityⓘ Unavailable
Licenseⓘ Unknown
Venueⓘ IEEE Haptics SymposiumComputers & Graphics
Intended Use Caseⓘ Accessibility
Hardware Control Information
Haptic Categoryⓘ Force Feedback
Hardware Abstractionⓘ Consumer
Device Namesⓘ Phantom
Body Positionⓘ N/A
Interaction and Interface Information
Driving Featureⓘ Action
Effect Localizationⓘ Location-aware
Media Supportⓘ None
Iterative Playbackⓘ Yes
Design Approachesⓘ DPC, Process, Sequencing
Interaction Metaphorsⓘ Dataflow
Storageⓘ Custom XML
Connectivityⓘ None

Additional Information

HITPROTO uses a visual programming interface to let users specify the content and behavior of an interactive haptic scene. Basic programming functionality, such as loops and conditional logic, are included in the environment. Basic haptic interactions (e.g., spring effects, guidance along a path) are present to aid a user in creating haptic data visualizations.

For more information, consult the 2010 Haptics Symposium paper and the 2013 Computers & Graphics paper.